Aug 31Liked by Casey B. Head

Urbanites are rarely true anything other than urban. An urbanite is an urbanite, just as an urban centre is typically without any regional distinction anymore. You could be anywhere.

I liked the comment on the woodpile and the old stuff. Most interesting folks in the rural area i grew up in were the ones with farmyards strewn with stuff, and the ones who complained about the look of those peoples' farmyards were usually the least interesting folks.

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Yankees never throw anything away.

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"The New Englanders are not an amiable people. One meets in them much to approve, little to admire, and nothing to love. They may be disliked, however, but they cannot be despised. There is a degree of energy and sturdy independence about them, incompatible with contempt. Abuse them as we may, it must still be admitted they are a singular and original people. Nature, in framing a Yankee, seems to have given him double brains, and half heart." Thomas Hamilton, "Men and Manners in America," published 1833

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New Englanders get a lot of hate even today. But are thick skinned and give as good as they get. They do not crave anyone’s approval and are slow to give their own.

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Sep 1Liked by Casey B. Head

This makes me think of the elderly couple who lived at the farm down the road from my family in upstate NY. We only lived there for a few years, but once they decided they liked us they pretty much taught us everything we needed to know to homestead. When they died it felt like part of the land was missing

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They sound amazing.

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